Tag: dogs

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Gruoch the Akbash (part 2)

Gruoch, the white Akbash dog, lives with me, in the Highlands of Scotland. Although, she travels with me everywhere, so, some photos were taken far from home.

Gruoch, the white Akbash dog, lying in the garden, in a sphinx-like pose, with hear head towards the camera

This page has photos of Gruoch at work, rest, and play. This is (currently) the second of two galleries of her images.

Gruoch the Akbash (part 1)

Gruoch, the white Akbash dog, lives with me, in the Highlands of Scotland.

Gruoch, the white Akbash dog, posing in the forest, standing in front of a tree.

This page has photos of Gruoch at work, rest, and play. This is (currently) one of two galleries of her images.

Neachdainn in the Pyrenees

Neachdainn is an Aberdeen Terrier or Scottie. He is a very good boy. We just aren't together anymore. I miss him very much.

Neachdainn on the car seat. He is wearing his halter.

This page has photos of Neachdainn as a fully-grown dog. Neachdainn now lives in the Pyrenees.

Neachdainn in the Highlands (part 2)

Neachdainn is an Aberdeen Terrier or Scottie. He is a very good boy. We just aren't together anymore. I miss him very much.

Neachdainn posing in the snow

This page has photos of Neachdainn as a fully-grown dog, when he was living in the Highlands of Scotland. This is the second of two galleries of Neachdainn in the Highlands.

Neachdainn in the Highlands (part 1)

Neachdainn is an Aberdeen Terrier or Scottie. He is a very good boy. We just aren't together anymore. I miss him very much.

Neachdainn posing in bright sunshine, with the wind in his hair.

This page has photos of Neachdainn as a fully-grown dog, when he was living in the Highlands of Scotland. This is the first of two galleries of Neachdainn in the Highlands.

Neachdainn as a puppy

Neachdainn is an Aberdeen Terrier or Scottie. He is a very good boy. We just aren't together anymore. I miss him very much.

Neachdainn exploring his new surroundings in the lounge.

This page has photos of Neachdainn as a puppy, and as a young dog.

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