Tag: highlands

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Wildflowers of the Scottish Highlands (part 2)

Photos of the most common wildflowers in my part of the Highlands of Scotland.

Photo of a wild cornflower

This is the second of two galleries (currently).

Wildflowers of the Scottish Highlands (part 1)

Photos of the most common wildflowers in my part of the Highlands of Scotland.

Photo of a Devil's Bit wildflower

This is the first of two galleries (currently).

Feeling sheepish

I went for a walk along a forestry style track, yesterday. Ahead of me was a ewe, with two lambs. The ewe felt nervous about my approach, and started to trot away from me. The lambs were, of course, following her closely. However, the sheep didn't trot away uphill or downhill. Instead, they continued along the track. I also continued along the track. All of us walked in this procession for some time. As the sheep were moving faster, they increased the distance between us. In a short...

Highland Life and the Coronavirus

It is quite extraordinary, I've never experienced anything like it. We are now a couple of weeks away from Easter, which is normally the time when the summer tourist season starts. The roads would see increased traffic, and the tourist hotspots would start to be busy. Not this year.

The snow-capped Nevis range

The snow-capped Nevis range.

The travel and social...

Push or Pull?

A couple of days ago I saw these two boats coming up the canal towards us, as we were doing the daily dog walk. It was clear from a distance that the two boats were very close together, and I assumed the first boat was towing the second.

Two boats on the Caledonian Canal. One boat appeared to be towing the other.

Two boats on the Caledonian Canal. One boat appeared to be towing the...

Fàilte don Ghàidhealtachd

Who did this? Who added Nessie to the Highlands' welcome sign? Whoever it was, it is absolute genius! The original sign had an empty loch, someone has used a marker pen, or similar, to add the Nessie image. I drove past this sign, northbound lane of the A9 at Dromochter, about three weeks ago and I'm fairly certain Nessie wasn't there at that time.

Posted by fitheach on Mon 07 October 2019

Delivery charges for the Highlands and Islands

Delivery charges for goods purchased online to addresses in the Highlands and Islands has been a big problem for years. There are two issues which contribute to the problem.

The first issue is that sellers have been glib in the way they describe and promote their delivery charges. Often sellers would describe their goods as having "free UK delivery" or "free delivery on all orders" and it wasn't until you got three-quarters of the way through the purchase...

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