Tag: music

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I'd like to apologise, publicly. The poor woman went for some peace and quiet, and what did she get? Two eejits rolling-up in a campervan, blaring out the Eurovision song contest.

The Swedish entry, and winner, in the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest: Abba with the song "Waterloo".

It was May 20, 2006, and the location was a quiet lay-by on the south side of Loch Ness. I don't quite...


How does memory work? I really don't know. It seems logical that you remember the important events in your life: your child's first spoken word, scoring the winning goal, that time I left my car keys in a foreign country. You probably remember these events because you make an effort to do so. Memories will be reinforced by constant re-telling of the events by you or by friends & family. However, even for those important events it is possible for memories to be wrong. Two people can...

The least theatrical entrance ever?

Usually (concert) gigs belong to that form of show business where the core part of the audience pleasure is provided by some musical diversions but the spectacle forms part of the overall package. An exemplar of this approach are Queen concerts which were (and probably still are) musical entertainments of the highest order but defintely set out to be great spectacles too, which they always achieved.

Chris ReaPosted by fitheach on Sat 09 December 2017

From Hot Space to 32GB

I decided recently to dig out some of my old cassette tape music albums. Most of them are pre-recorded tapes of albums purchased in the 1980s, but there are also many home recordings of vinyl LPs . I wanted to make digital copies of the albums and include them in my collection, which I carry with me on my mobile 'phone. I had a quaint notion that with a bit of work the music on the tapes could be of...

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