Tag: Scotties

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Bright Eyes

I took this photo on the evening dog walk two nights ago, when we had some lovely weather. I quite liked the composition of the photograph, but it wasn't until I started processing the photo that I noticed something else special about it. As it was in the gloamin my smartphone decided to fire the flash. I noticed the flash when I took the photo, so I disabled the flash and took another shot. After all, the smartphone flash wouldn't have an effect at a distance of around 8-10...

Ticks in 2017

We take care not to expose ourselves unnecessarily to pesticides, and we extend this precaution to our doggie companion. In particular, this means we do not use a spot-on insecticide or a tick/flea collar.

Flea and tick collars work in one of two ways, and often combine both. Some collars emit a gas which acts as a repellent for many insects. The other type of flea and tick collar has an embedded insecticide that seeps into the pet's skin, and then spreads throughout its body...

Scotties are great

For the avoidance of doubt, the title of this post refers to the breed of dog. It might also refer to the human inhabitants of this country, but, that is a topic for another day. Furthermore, on the point of nomenclature, I prefer the breed's original name Aberdeen Terrier, but, most people probably know them as Scottish Terriers (Scotties for short), and that is the term I will continue to use in this article.

Typical pose for a Scottish or...

            <p class=Posted by fitheach on Fri 01 December 2017

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