Tag: Tech

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Discovering your Debian version

Today, I dug out an old Lex Light fanless PC which I haven't used for years. The first thing I had to do was find out the version of Debian it was running which I normally do by checking the contents of the sources.list file. I wondered if there was an easier way to find out the current version and indeed there is:

Posted by
                 on Wed 08 July 2015


In the "old days" I used a really nice GNOME GUI app called Grip for ripping CDs. The interface was so nice that I would invariably use it for playing CDs too. I decided recently to make copies of my CDs for use on my tablet and mobile 'phone. However, I was dismayed to find that my old standby no longer existed in Debian. Unfortunately, the last...

My favourite software package names

Free and Open Source (FOSS) software projects often have humorous names for their packages. Some of the earliest FOSS projects, from the 1980s, used recursive acronyms for their names. A recursive acronym is where one of the constituent letters is provided by the acronym itself. Probably, the best known example is the GNU project which stands for GNU's Not Unix. Many years later the graphics package Posted by fitheach on Tue 05 March 2013

New Xiph video

A while ago I wrote about a great little Digital Media Primer from Xiph.org. Well, the follow up video took a little while longer to appear than I anticipated or as is ironically stated on the website 'Continuing the "firehose" tradition of maximum information density'. Regardless, the second video is well worth watching as it is both educational and presented in a entertaining...

Creating lined writing paper using GLE

First steps

My journey began when I was searching for a way to produce some lined paper, with a very particular layout, that my girlfriend could use to practice her calligraphy skills. Initially, I investigated some graphical applications with the usual point-and-click interfaces such as GIMP, Scribus and

Lorem ipsum alternatives

For decades designers have been using filler text when creating mock-ups of flyers, brochures, advertisements, websites etc. The most common filler text is the venerable lorem ipsum which has been extracted from some Latin text but has many words changed so it no longer carries any meaning.

Example lorem ipsum text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...

GVim and Firefox together

I was curious about the structure of a web page and, did what I do dozens of times every week, right-clicked and selected View Page Source. However, in this case the web page was horribly complex and had all of the white space removed. I needed something more than the built-in Firefox/Iceweasel source viewer. After a little configuration I was able to bring GVim to the rescue. This is how I did it.

  • In the browser address bar...

Digital Media Primer

Learning something new

I have always had an interest in audio and video mostly as a consumer but sometimes as a limited producer of content. However, I have always had a sketchy knowledge of some the technologies involved in digital media production. I would frequently come across, and use, acronyms such as YUV and PCM but didn't...

Radio Ga Ga

The nonsense in the Digital Economy Bill looks like it might become enacted without any debate in the House of Commons. This article describes one part of the madness - the proposed shutdown of FM radio broadcasting in favour of DAB (and friends).

Let's hope you never leave old friend Like all good things on you we depend So stick around 'cos we might miss you When we grow tired of all this visual You had your time - you had the power You've yet to have your...

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